I never thought I would be giving a genealogy presentation (DNA & Family Research) when I started my family research journey over 15 years ago. I have met or communicated with so many people during my journey, which led to the invitation to present at The Hickman County Historical & Genealogical Society in Clinton, KY.

I really doubted myself at first because I know I am not an expert or a certified genealogist. My thinking finally changed because I do know what I am talking about, and I was willing to share with others! I think that is the first step in starting something new: be willing to put yourself out there!

                                      Hickman County Historical & Genealogical Society in Clinton, KY

It was a little nerve-wracking developing a presentation and then presenting it to a group of people. Once I got started, I was fine, and I have my teacher background to thank for that. We had a great crowd, and everyone enjoyed the presentation. I thoroughly enjoyed myself because I met some wonderful people. There were lots of great questions and I hope my presentation helped them on their research journey.

Steps that led me to my first genealogy presentation and some notes:

  • 15+ years of family research experience
  • A very supportive group of family and friends
  • Started researching a friend’s family that open so many research doors  
  • Connected with a distant family member
  • Created a genealogy FB group in 2020
  • Contacted by a member of the group about presenting
  • Scheduled a time for the presentation
  • After scheduling a time, I decided to:
    • Start a blog
    • Create a genealogy Instagram
    • Create a public genealogy page

Again, I never thought I would do anything (creating) on the list above, but here I am wondering what I could do next.