Reflections after a night of good food and lots of laughter….

Did I sleep wrong last night, or did I crack a rib from laughing so hard? I wonder how Cousin Jeremy is doing.

I knew I was marrying into a large family, but nothing prepared me for the number of gatherings I would be attending each year. I’m an introvert at heart, so it took me a while to get used to lots of people, lots of loudness, and lots of laughter! Now, I grew up with my cousins and attended family gatherings, but they were on the smallish side and didn’t include extended family. Some of my best memories are holiday gatherings at my Granny’s house.

My husband’s family is different….in a good way! The McCartneys are a close-knit family, which also includes other branches of the family tree, like the Williams’ side. They gather with Aunts, Uncles, 1st cousins, 2nd cousins, and so on. It takes some getting used to and I poke fun at it from time to time, but as southern folks say, “they are good people.”

All families deal with ups and downs and some usually stop talking or stop gathering, not the McCartneys. Although the gatherings seem to be getting smaller every year, the heart, soul, and laughter remains. So much laughter!

Granny McCartney would be proud of last night, especially of her grandson who made her butter roll. It hasn’t happened yet, but if there is going to be a family scuffle, it will be over who gets the last bite of butter roll!

11 of the 14 children of John Wilson McCartney and Susan Hannah Greer. 
John's father William Andrew McCartney arrived in Gibson County, TN around 1840.