Below is a great article on how to begin international research. As the article states, “international research can be confusing and daunting. But the journey is worth the trouble…”

I stepped out of my comfort zone when I started researching in NYC, Chicago, and Ireland. It can be quite frustrating tracing family back to the old country, but it can be done. Time period and the availability of records plays a large role in your search. Most of my international research spans 1840’s - 1940’s.

Point to remember: Sometimes the records are not available (just not there), so you have to be okay with tracing your ancestors only ‘so far.’ It’s a hard lesson to learn, but be thankful of what you have accomplished.

***Side note: I’ve realized nothing is more difficult than tracing your Southern United States ancestors that arrived in the 1600s and 1700s. So many records didn’t survive the Civil War.

Below: Article by Bridget Sunderlin

Tracing Ancestors in the Old Country: How to Start Your International Research
International Research - How to Begin